Welcome to the Page, Keepin it real. I believe the essence of rap is not what it used to be. I will upload music from different artist with meaning in there lyrics. I know, I cant please everyone. Some songs may be explicit. But what ever I post, I promise to keep it real with you. There still a lot of great music out there. Let’s explore it together and keep the essence of rap alive. I Thank you for visiting the page…Peace 1 Love..

"The living voice will never be superseded as long as it is a voice and not an echo"...1
-John Broadus-

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This song examines the grand delusion that has been perpetrated on mankind since the beginning of time. This deception revolves around the idea that man can somehow evolve or become their own god and attain enlightenment. This is the same lie that was told to Eve by the serpent and is the root of most occult and new age teachings.
This plan to keep people from the truth has not been done through human planning as much as it has been planned from a spiritual dimension. These beings have appeared as spirit guides, light beings, enlightened masters, dead relatives, familiar spirits, angels, animal spirits, and now aliens. It seems that throughout time these beings have changed their disguise to fit in with the whatever given culture and time that they are trying to deceive.

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